Operational Excellence with Eric Johnson, Former CEO/CFO of Nintex - How to Build an Execution Machine

In our most recent Operational Excellence webinar we sat down with FUSE LP and Former Nintex CEO, Eric Johnson. In the conversation, he and FUSE GP Brendan Wales discuss how to apply operating tactics from a profitable, high-growth software business to early-stage stage startups.
Eric was the CEO of Nintex for 5 years and was the CFO prior to that. Nintex generates $250M+ ARR and was recently valued at $2B. TLDR: He knows what it takes to build an execution machine.
Preview below + full interview here: 

Video: https://vimeo.com/813255572/c9f1908285?share=copy

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/58gLUZ3NkDDvKWOUCx5g8u

Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/operational-excellence-how-to-build-an-execution/id1604959765?i=1000613571395